A New Generation

Maybe it was nostalgia or just plain curiosity, but whatever it was, I just couldn't help myself...yes, I watched the season premiere of the the new 90210. 2 whole hours of it! And I have to say, as one of the original 90210 fan club members, it just wasn't the same.

We should probably be grateful, as that was a "special time" in our childhoods that would be better off not repeated, but I can't help feel sorry for this next generation of tweens that are going to fall in love with these new characters, having no idea that what they are watching is just a cheap imitation of the real thing. They probably have no idea who hunky motor cycle riding Dylan McKay is or that Brenda reportedly insisted on having bottled water on the set to wash her hair with. Or that all these actors playing teenagers were actually in their 20's & 30's! Sad, sad times!

But for those of us original fan club members and those of us that had posters plastered to our walls, click on the title of this post for a walk down memory lane...oh the sweet melody!


Alicia said...

I too watched it hoping to bring back memories of the original. It was nice to see Brenda and Kelly again, but it didn't compare.

Mindy said...

I'm right with you girl! I watched about 5 minutes of the new show last night...just long enough to see a few dressed-to-the-nine girls sitting smugly around a table at the so called, Peach Pit. You're right...it just wasn't the same. And I heard that this new show is going to push the envelope even more than the original. Of course, OUR 90210 was mighty tame compared to today's Hills, Gossip Girl, Secret Life...etc. I loved watching that 90210 video. I pretty much have that theme music memorized and I cracked up at the dorky sunglasses that were all the rage back then. Oh, the 90s! Terrific post. :O)

The Runner Bunch said...

I'm so sad I forgot to check it out - I was completely planning on it!!! I figured I wouldn't like it much though - there's just no way it could compare with the original!! My friends and I always got together for 90210 night - our favorite night!! I got goosebumps watching the theme song. Nostalgia is right - I miss those days! :)

daniella said...

I won't be ashamed to admit that one of the ways I learned the English (American) language was by watching 90210 along with Full House and...sigh!...The Power Rangers among other shows. HA! You're right, this new generation version just doesn't compare. I remember when I barely spoke any English yet perfectly knew how to say "Brian Austin Green" in 5th grade. Oh yes, I even had the audacity to carry around a picture of him cut out from a Seventeen Magazing and tell everyone he was my boyfriend. Oh yes.