Camp Potty

Day 1 & 2:
After putting it off all summer (for very good reasons of course) we jumped onto the potty wagon! I had been trying to hype it up for Eli telling him all the exciting things we'd get like Thomas underwear, stickers for a chart and a special treat for when he went. He seemed to be on board but then once at the store to purchase these items, he was more interested in everything else and didn't really seem to care who was on his underwear. A few executive decisions and $30 worth of potty training supplies later, we were headed home!

Yesterday, right out of the starting gate, Eli says he wants to pee. As soon as he sits down, he does, and then proceeds to ask for his special treat. We cheered and put a sticker on the chart. Then in the next five minutes, we repeated it all again...twice! He was bound and determined to get those skittles, even if he had to force it out. As Grant said, "hopefully he doesn't get a hemorrhoid!" Thankfully it slowed down a bit after that and we spent the rest of the day outside (less clean up)! Eli loved playing in his underwear and only had two accidents!!!

Today Eli was just as determined to get skittles and has had only one accident so far. He seemed to be getting a little tired of me interrupting his play every 30 min., but he still complied. Hopefully things continue in this direction! I have had to rethink my rewards system though. I initially thought I would give him a bigger treat (an engine from the Thomas collection) after he filled up a row with stickers. I didn't anticipate him squeezing out every last drop just for skittles though, so now he has to fill up the whole chart!

Also, this might be pure coincidence but he has also slept in his big boy bed three times now starting yesterday at nap (which he has previously refused to sleep in)! Maybe all this "big boy" talk has sunk in!

Couldn't resist these cute little shots!

Where it all happens


Mindy said...

Is it a bad thing that I just said, "Look Hannah! Here's Eli wearing big boy panties!" I'm sorry. They're all "panties" in this house. :/

Jana said...

That's amazing! Can you come visit and work on Tommy for me? I hope Eli stays interested and keeps up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Well done Jaime, oh and of course the star of the show - Eli.
