I know, I know...

its only a TV show! But, I just have to say a few things! (All you Bachelorette fans will understand). After watching the finale last night (and last season for that matter), I must admit that I am actually getting tired of the twists and surprise endings! One twist if fine but this many? Really?! I just want to watch two people meet and fall in love (on national television, in just 8 weeks...I realize this is far fetched but just let me enjoy my alternate reality will ya?!)

I was definitely a Reid fan and was super sad when she let him go two weeks ago (even if he reminded us all of Chandler), I thought he was the cutest, most genuine guy on there, but then Ed began to grow on me and so when she let Kypton go (meaning she was choosing Ed) I was actually excited for them. And then...

That red taxi pulls up. I knew right away it was someone coming back but who? Reid? Yeah! But as soon as I realized Jillian was still going to choose Ed I couldn't help but feel even more sorry for Reid who has now had his heart broken twice in front of millions and who obviously was head over heals for this girl! So sad, so sad. I have a feeling he'll be scarred for life over this one!

Ok, that's all I'm gonna say about that. Thanks for indulging me in this fantasy world of mine. Or at least if you chose not to read this, I don't mind, I can't tell who you are anyways! :) And last night I thought to myself, "I'm done with this show, but this morning I find myself mildly curious...who will be the next bachelor?!" ;)


Mindy said...

Girl, I feel your Bachelorette pain! Al and I (yes, the both of us) have watched the show the last few weeks and couldn't believe the craziness of last night's finale.

So...now when you don't get a rose or voluntarily leave the show you can come back to (A) tattle-tale on someone else--i.e. so and so has a girlfriend, (B) leave and return at your heart's whim, no matter how unfair to the others, or (C) try and beg your way back because you didn't have the ba**s to tell the girl how you felt in the first place???

Poor Gillian...poor silly, frazzled, over-emotional, too-touchy-feely Gillian. That girl's a wreck. I hope she'll be happy with Ed. Until tonight's After the Rose exposé, that is. Who knows WHO will be showing up! ;)

I can't wait for next season...

Anonymous said...

LOL! I agree with you about the twists -- too many! It starts feeling forced after a while. Frankly I expected Reid to show up "unexpectedly" when he wasn't at the "guys tell all" special last week. Something was up, and not just a "prior engagement." I loved Reid too. But I know a certain amazing single girl who you know too... maybe we can hook him up!

- karen b

daniella said...

Oh hunny bunny, don't you know in this day and age producers have to think of crazy things/twists to engage and draw more viewers?

I'm thinking Reid will be the new Bachelor. It's such a given. I'm thinking that's why he came back...in a red minivan for that matter, like they didn't have 100 extra dollars for a limo. Oh these producers think we're all so stupid.

Jana said...

Did you notice that the first guy (don't remember his name) was delivered in a shiny white limo and Ed was delivered in a minivan? Don't know why, but it made me laugh to see Ed slide the door open and unfold his legs to get out.