26.2 !!!!!

Success!!! I guess I can't really say I'm surprised (Grant is extremely competitive in case you didn't know) but I can say that I am super PROUD of my hubby and our friend Rob for not only completing the California International Marathon, but for doing so with great times and finishing strong! My parents, Eli and myself bundled up (was anyone outside this morning...it was FREEZING! When Grant left with Rob the temp was 32 degrees but "felt like 25 degrees" according to weather.com) and met Danielle, Isaiah, Hannah and Rob's parents at the 14 mile marker to cheer them on. They looked awesome and continued on strong even with the icy wind blowing at them head on. With frozen noses, cheeks and fingers we loaded back in the car to make our way to the finish line. It was a bit tricky with all the road closures, but we gathered once again with the rest of the crowd to cheer them to a great finish. It was hard not to feel the buzz and excitement as we watched several runners complete an impressive 26.2 miles! What a feat! I am pretty sure I'll never know what that accomplishment feels like for myself, but my pride swells for Grant and Rob and makes me realize just how amazing these guys are!

6am departure

All Bundled Up

Staying cozy waiting for the Daddies

14 mile mark

Waiting anxiously at the finish

Grant rounding the last corner. Finishing time: 3 hours, 26 min. 30 sec.

26.2 miles and still smiling!


Anonymous said...

A M A Z I N G from one extremely proud mum. Well done darling - I knew you could do it but what a time!!! I wish I could have been there to cheer you on. xxx

daniella said...

And that's what I call a husband with skilzzzzz. Way to go, Grant!