
It came today!!!! My birthday and Christmas wish lists included the Cannon Rebel xsi camera and it arrived today. As fast as I could read the basic instructions and get the camera out of the box, I began taking photos. It was so exciting just to see the difference on the auto setting! Amazing! Not that I have dreams of becoming a photographer, I'll leave that to Sandy and Megan, but it is definitely going to improve our family memories, scrapbooks and blog! So while Eli was napping, I used the few subjects that I had on hand. Check out my first photos with a "grown up" camera...

I love this setting that makes the background blurry

Sleepy Raisin

My handsome hubby


The Runner Bunch said...

You go girl!!! Is that fun or what?? Amazing how different already! Megan and I are bringing our cameras to shoot in Bodega so we can do some lessons. :)

Megan said...

I'm seriously impressed with that Little People figure picture! Nice work. I don't even want to show you my first pic with my camera:)

And yes, bring it to Bodega because Sandy and I have a beach photoshoot planned!

Congrats on your new camera!

Mindy said...

Ooooh, fun! A new big-girl toy. :) I love that last picture of Grant. His eyes look so deep blue...terrific shot!

daniella said...

I hate you.

Ok, no I don't....maybe a little. I wouldn't be surprised if you did become a little photographer that could.

A great investment, and I'll snarl at you till I get one too :-)