{Take Two}

As the days continue, I've noticed more and more differences between Eli and Naomi. Of course I realize that their personalities could be polar opposites (although I find that hard to believe) or be very much alike but regardless, their are definitely similarities in their looks! Neither of these photos were posed...like brother, like sister!
Eli - 6 days old

Naomi - 14 days old

A few weeks back...

One of my "pre-Naomi" to do items, was to display her name on the wall like I had done for Eli. Since Eli's name is in wood letters with painted squares behind, I thought I'd do the same
for Naomi but with circles. The project has been complete for a few weeks now but just the other day during Eli's rest time the following took place:

Eli - "Mommy! Mommy!"

Me -"yes Eli" as I open his door

Eli - "look!" smiling proudly looking around his room

Me - "what am I supposed to be looking at?"

Eli - "look" pointing to his name

Me - realizing that the wooden letters weren't quite how I'd left them before nap time I say, "wow, Eli that's very clever, but how did you do that?"

Eli - "I just climbed on my bunk bed and took my 'A' and then climbed on my kitchen and got Naomi's 'A' and then climbed back and switched them!"

What a little monkey! I couldn't believe that he'd been able to get to Naomi's 'A' at all let alone switch them and get them hung back up as well. He has since insisted on leaving them that way!

Family Resemblance

We are now a family of four! That's a little scary to see in print! Most of you know Naomi Jane made her grand entrance on June 7th at 8:14pm. And in true "2nd child" fashion it has already been a week and I am just now getting around to posting photos. From sleeping habits (she does, he didn't) to flexibility (he was always rigid, she hardly ever comes out of a ball) they are already proving to be quite different, however there are a few similarities that can't be ignored...

Same nose, same mouth and same head of dark hair!

And a few more photos cause I couldn't resist. Isn't our little peanut so cute and her big brother?: