Eli - 6 days old
Naomi - 14 days old
Naomi - 14 days old
Eli - "Mommy! Mommy!"
Me -"yes Eli" as I open his door
Eli - "look!" smiling proudly looking around his room
Me - "what am I supposed to be looking at?"
Eli - "look" pointing to his name
Me - realizing that the wooden letters weren't quite how I'd left them before nap time I say, "wow, Eli that's very clever, but how did you do that?"
Eli - "I just climbed on my bunk bed and took my 'A' and then climbed on my kitchen and got Naomi's 'A' and then climbed back and switched them!"
What a little monkey! I couldn't believe that he'd been able to get to Naomi's 'A' at all let alone switch them and get them hung back up as well. He has since insisted on leaving them that way!