{...And A Happy New Year}

It is hard not to look back at 2010 without seeing the many, many blessings that we've received! While there were many days when I just wanted to complain, or things weren't going as I had planned, and as hard as those moments seemed right then and there, I can honestly say that God has given us much more than we deserve! Our lives are full and He gets the credit for that! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year everyone!

Annual "Scrylerb" (that's Scranton + Tyler + Herb) Christmas pj photo

{Long Over Due}

Naomi turned 6 months at the beginning of this month and we had photos taken of her and also of our "new" family! As I was posting the last picture on the previous post, I realized I never posted the amazing newborn photos of our sweet little girl that Sandy took. So without further ado...

Can't believe she is already 6 months old. We love you little girl!

{Catch Up}

As 2010 comes furiously to a close, I figured I'd better play catch up and get a few more pictures on the blog! I must admit, I have been slacking and just putting the silly things Eli says on my facebook status, but some days even getting that done is a challenge so I'll say it once, "I'm sorry, please forgive me, and it WILL probably happen again!" :) Enjoy the last few months in photos.

Eli and I went to my friend's pirate themed birthday party...sorry no pix of me!

Eli built a spaceship (Excersaucer) and Naomi was his passenger (prisoner). Note the fuel (yellow and orange Lego's) in the bottom of the spaceship!


Fun at the local pumpkin farm

Me and my girl

Autumn would not be complete without a trip to Apple Hill!

Papa and "Nay-Nay"

Apple tasting...YUM! Now on to the apple donuts!

My Posse

My Dad and Grant beer tasting at the Jack Russell Brewery

Daddy and Eli on their England adventure

All packed up and ready to go

Aunty "Lu Lu", Uncle Matt, cousins Jude and Lois

Bath time fun with the cousins

Thanksgiving weekend - Me, Naomi and Aunty Jen

What the Scranton family does best!

Our gracious hosts Jen & Tim

The feast

Four yummy layers of pumpkin delicousness!

Grandma comes for a visit!


...almost done...

...and after! They even tasted better than they looked!

Early Christmas celebration with Grandpa and Aunt Randy

We even snuck in a birthday celebration for Aunt Randy

Being silly with Aunty Jen

More silly fun

The annual self taken "Christmas card" photo

Just a sneak peak of the fantastic family photos that our friend Sandy took!

{Theology Of A 3 Year Old}

In the car on the way home from bible study:

Eli: Jesus is in the sky!

Me: Yep, Jesus and God are in Heaven

Eli: Is Rocket there too? (Rocket is a friend's beloved dog that passed away)

Me: Well, yeah, Rocket is probably with Jesus

Eli: "Is Jesus taking care of Rocket, making him feel better?"

Me: "In heaven, everyone feels better. There are no more ouchies"

Eli: "Will Jesus make him better and then send him back?"

Me: "No, once you are with Jesus you stay with Jesus"

Eli: "I want to see him"

Me: "Who? Rocket?"

Eli: "No, Jesus!"

Me: "Oh, well, we can't see him right now, because we are on earth, but if we love Jesus and believe in God, someday when we die, we will get to see him. But for now we can learn about him and pray to him"

Eli: "Maybe next time I fly on an airplane, after England, I will fly up to see Jesus. But then I'll come back!"

{Little Cutie Pie}

Each day I marvel at Naomi's sweet disposition! She is such a happy little camper and gives us the biggest smiles when we stop and chat with her. She has started giggling and is very ticklish under her chin and on her rib cage. She has started demanding attention now, and letting us know when we've been ignoring her too long. She doesn't realize she's competing with Eli! :) I'm not sure she's gonna win that one.

"Look Ma, no hands!"

"What up?"

{Mr. Meeting}

I guess I've been going to a lot of meetings lately. I didn't realize it, but Eli has obviously noticed because for the last three rest times, he has been busy packing his backpack for his meetings. He only packs the essentials of course: Computer (aka Winnie the Pooh book), Bible, doggie, tennis shoes and socks, jean shorts and of course blankie. He is also careful not to forget to wear his hat, "in case the sun gets on my hair!"

He is so stinkin' cute all packed up, hat on head, backpack on shoulders! Yesterday he told me he was going to take his money "because it takes a lot of money to go to a meeting in England!" Yes it does, Eli, yes it does! Without further ado, here he is all packed up and ready to go.

He takes his meetings seriously! Doesn't he look so grown up?

{"Watch At This!"}

This is a phrase that we hear many, many times a day! It must be a combination of Watch me and look at this. Eli is definitely an entertainer and we are hoping that some day Naomi will be a sufficient audience for him! :)

The latest and greatest entertainment really is quite exciting though...Eli got his first two wheel bike! The neighbors were going to sell it and so we snatched it up. Of course then we had to buy a helmet and he is now ready to ride! The pedal breaks are a new one for him, but he is getting the hang of them quite quickly which is good since we live on a hill! Check out our super cute little biker! He's growing up way too fast!

Little Miss Naomi is also growing quite fast. Much faster then Eli did at her age, I'm sure! It is hard to get the camera out often enough these days to catch all her new silly faces and tricks. She is smiling and talking like crazy. She will have no problem competing with her brother with the lungs she has. And is starting to roll over from side to side. No more unsupervised lounging on the couch for this young lady! We were blessed with a super sweet little girl (and thankfully slightly more mellow than Eli) and I can't wait to get to know her better as her personality emerges more everyday.