6am departure
All Bundled Up
Staying cozy waiting for the Daddies
14 mile mark
Waiting anxiously at the finish
Grant rounding the last corner. Finishing time: 3 hours, 26 min. 30 sec.
26.2 miles and still smiling!
6am departure
Staying cozy waiting for the Daddies
Waiting anxiously at the finish
Grant rounding the last corner. Finishing time: 3 hours, 26 min. 30 sec.
26.2 miles and still smiling!
A few months ago, I decided that Eli needed a nice, cozy blanket to sleep with now that he's in a toddler bed (with no real bedding). I finally found the fabric, came up with a design and began sewing. I made the mistake of telling Eli the day we got the fabric (Veteren's Day) what I was doing. He asked about it several times that next week and then gave up I think. Well, its finally done and it turned out sooooooo cute. He was very excited and rubbed his face all over it when I gave it to him this afternoon!